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Hair Loss in Children

The incidence of childhood hair loss is more common than most people imagine. Even 3% of childhood hair loss may be the total number of alopecia cases observable at a mature age.

In the case of minimum amount of hair loss it is already recommended to consult a bio hair therapist. Children's hair loss can be of concern to parents, but it is comforting that most pediatric patients suffering from hair loss can be treated successfully. Since children's organic systems undergo very rapid biological changes during their development, mental blocks may also cause hair loss or scalp problems. 

Most children suffer from the following types of hair loss: 


1 Tinea capitis (ringworm of the scalp) is a superficial fungal infection of the skin and scalp, in the areas of eyebrows and eyelashes, which predisposes the attack against the shafts and follicles. Tinea capitis infection is the most common cause of hair loss in children. Tinea capitis in children is usually characterized by patchy hair loss. The patches involved in hair loss are usually round or oval-shaped, sometimes irregular. Sometimes the hairs are broken directly on the surface and look like small black dots on the scalp. Sometimes gray flakes or scales are visible. This condition requires specific medical and surface treatments. In such cases seek medical advice only from a dermatologist! 


In our bio hair clinic we enhance complete recovery by post hygienic and aesthetic treatment.


2 In case of Alopecia Areata sudden hair loss in patches emerges. It may develop from one day to another, or sometimes in a few days. The Alopecia areata is to assume that the body's immune system attacks the hair follicles. 1 in 1000 children is affected. Brittle nails is also typical for 25% of the affected children. Please note that internal mental problems may be in the background! Consult a professional for the child's emotional and mental re-balance.


With appropriate treatment, a large percentage of patients fully regain their mass of hair in a year or sooner. 


3 The trauma of the hair follicles is another common cause of childhood hair loss. It can also be caused by chemical damage. The Trichotillomania is an obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is extremely difficult to treat, because the patient usually feels compelled to pluck the hair. The hair loss is patchy, and is characterized by different lengths of broken hairs. When the trauma ceases, the hair grows back. 


4 Telogen aura is another common cause of hair loss in children. To understand telogen aura, one must know the normal life cycle of hair. Hair follicles are formed continuously in a long growth phase over 2 to 6 years (on average over 3 years). This is followed by a brief transition phase (about 3 weeks), when the hair follicle becomes worn. This is followed by a resting phase (about 3 months), when the hair follicles are dormant. This last phase is called the telogen phase. After the telogen phase the growth phase starts over again - new hairs grow and push out the old follicles. The whole cycle repeats itself. Every day, about 50-150 hairs fall out and are replaced by newly grown hairs. If some abnormality occurs during the telogen aura, this cycle, the normal vital process of the hair is interrupted, so many hair fibers may fall out during this phase. Partial or complete baldness appears from 6 to 16 weeks. There are many different causes of telogen areata, including very high fever, surgery, anesthesia, excessive vitamin A intake, severe and prolonged emotional stress, mourning, serious injuries and the use of certain prescription drugs. In children, when the stressful event is over, a full head of hair usually grows back within six months to a year.


Outer hair loss treatment for children with cancer can improve skin and hair follicle malfunctions caused by internal disorders. It is very important not to damage the genetic population, and the growth cycle of hair follicles (matrix cells) to be kept stable. The structure of healthy skin cells and the physiological state is also very important, as very aggressive pharmacological agents distract the materials necessary for life. That is why the symptoms appear in the hairy scalp.









Emmebi importőr: Hajtincs Kft. Budapest - III. ker., Bécsi út 81. • Mobil: 06/20-323-7254
Emmebi Biohajklinika Velence - 2481 Velence, Fő u. 71. • Tel.: 06/22-419-899



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Emmebi Biohajklinika | Budapest, III. ker., Bécsi út 81. | Tel.: 06/1-367-2640 | Mobil: 06/20-323-7254