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Hair loss in males

Férfi hajhullás


The Norwood - scales ... The picture above shows the most common hair loss cases.


During the hair loss treatment we should take into account the development phase of the alopecia. Our hair therapist colleagues will interview you about the symptoms. The examination is made with a 300x magnification micro-camera instrument. Note that if you have been here, bring along the received data sheet!


Over 95% of men are affected by androgenetic alopecia, which can start at the age of 14. Two-thirds of men over age 35 experience some noticeable hair loss, and about 85% of the men in their 50s suffer from significant hair thinning. Around 25% of men suffer from baldness before the age of 21.


Most people who are suffering from symptoms of balding, greasy hair and dandruff are very unhappy with the situation and will do anything to be able to recover. Hair loss affects people suffering from baldness in all aspects of life. Their appearance affects their personal relationships, personal life and professional performance, too.  


Diffuse hair loss is typical in most men's alopecia. Although hair loss can occur for a number of possible reasons, such as serious illness, the side effects of certain medications, often extremely stressful events, most of the reasons for hair loss in men is none other than heredity.


A bald man is actually suffering from inherited, genetically susceptible hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The follicles which are sensitive to the DHT, they start to deteriorate and their lifetime is shortened. Finally, the affected follicles do not produce cosmetically acceptable hair.


The development of patchy hair loss in men is characterized by a hair thinning crown. The most affected parts of the process of thinning are the front-line temple and the occipital protuberance (the crown of the head). As hair loss progresses, baldness becomes more and more apparent throughout the crown, leaving only the round or "horseshoe" pattern of hair left. In some people even this condition can be affected by DHT.


But what is DHT?


Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), testosterone, a male hormone derivative, which regulates the state of the hair follicles, genetic condition and cycle change . Hair loss problems result from the imbalance of this hormone and the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme. The process slows down with appropriate treatment. It is important to start hair loss treatment in time, since there is a good chance of stopping the process and improving the scalp condition.


In our bio hair clinic center we work with scientifically developed biologically active agents approved by medical cosmetology. 


Ask for an appointment now!










Emmebi importőr: Hajtincs Kft. Budapest - III. ker., Bécsi út 81. • Mobil: 06/20-323-7254
Emmebi Biohajklinika Velence - 2481 Velence, Fő u. 71. • Tel.: 06/22-419-899



Haj-Wikipédia | Haj.lap.hu | Hajgyogyaszat.lap.hu | Kopaszodas.lap.hu
Emmebi Biohajklinika | Budapest, III. ker., Bécsi út 81. | Tel.: 06/1-367-2640 | Mobil: 06/20-323-7254